Monday, October 28, 2013

More pictures

One day Rusti will be gone,
and just a memory,
so taking pictures of her while she is here makes sense.

Besides, she is soo cute, and seems to like having her picture taken, a diva for sure.

This kitty loves to pose.

There is a kitty attached to this tail.... REALLY!!

Hanging out with her namesake on the blanket.

Just relaxing on an autumn afternoon.

Sleeping on the T.V.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Rusti

While we do not know the exact date Rusti came into this world, we believe it was October 2011.
So she is now two years old.
Happy Birthday Kitty!!!

Getting ready to blow out her candle.

Should I surf the web, or watch T.V.

Orange kitty in the warm glow of the afternoon sun.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Circus Kitty

One of my many nicknames for Rusti is Circus Kitty.
She is very animated and loves to jump and play.
Watch her........

Friday, October 11, 2013


You may wonder just how many positions can a kitty find when nappy time calls?
As you will see the possibilities are almost unlimited.
Here are just a few of the many I have captured.
I think perhaps we have a bit of a "Yoga Kitty", or may "Kama Sutra kitty :)


Dreaming about catching mice.

Flying while asleep.

Another crazy position.


The morning sun feels so good.

More morning sun fun.

Kitty Pretzel.

Doing push-up's.

I give up Mr.

She is almost asleep.

Orange kitty enjoying a beautiful day.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Lap Cat

There is such a sweet feeling when kitty comes to curl up on your lap.
See what I mean?

Cozy kitty

I think she likes me :)

Soon she will sleep.
Almost asleep.
Here come the dreams.......zzzzzz

The original laptop.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Good Kitty

We found Rusti in the local animal shelter,
 waiting for her new forever home.
They said she was six months old when we brought her home on May 7th. 2012.

That means she was likely born in October of 2011
which was exactly when I first saw Miss Daisy
sitting empty and for sale for the first time.

You never know what you will get when you bring a little creature into your home
and it turns out we got a very sweet and unique kitty with Rusti girl.

Join us for the adventures of life with Rusti!!!

Nappy Time

Hello Mr.!!!!

In charge of the remote.

Soaking up the sun.

I don't think I should be here.